In an age of rising mental health awareness, constant connectivity, and youth sports worship, it has become increasingly common for parents to care more about protecting their kids from struggles than developing their character. As youth pastors, we can sometimes get caught in the spinning blades of helicopter parents. How can we encourage parents to permit the proper amount of discomfort to exist in their kids’ lives? And for us who are parents, well, this is for us, too!
And let’s face it: Youth Pastors always want their students to invite friends. Sometimes, though, we have to check our motivations to make sure we are doing it for God’s Kingdom and not our own.
We also talk about our grandparents, favorite dead presidents, and why middle school girls make the best hosts for a Coldplay concert. All this on Episode 8 of the Youth Ministry Sherpas Coast to Coast with Brock, Shannon and Steve.
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