Andrea and Ronald talk about great tips for starting the Fall off right! Questions to consider: What can you do to improve your ministry this fall? How can your fall be better this year [...]
Andrea and Ronald talk about what to do with the first part of youth group and why it matters! Questions to consider: How do you structure your program? Have you signed up for the DYM [...]
Andrea and Ronald continue discussing a social media post that is making the rounds. What do you think? Questions to consider: Who can you turn to for mentoring? How can you find community [...]
Andrea and Ronald discuss a social media post that is making the rounds. What do you think? Questions to consider: How can you “lead from the second chair” as a youth pastor? Why is it [...]
What do you do when you hear complaints? What about when they come from somebody who didn’t make the original issue? Yikes! We talk about that today! Questions to consider: What are you doing for [...]
It’s almost fall! What are you planning for your ministry? What do you have ready? Need some quick ideas? We’ve got you! Questions to consider: What are you doing for these groups: parents, [...]
Andrea shares some great wisdom on taking a moment to unpack and reflect after a busy week of camp! Questions to consider: Do you take any time to pause after camp? What’s your [...]
Andrea and Ronald are busy this summer! So we’re off for this week. Blessings on you all! Questions to consider: Do you have any breaks this summer? Have you submitted your vacation time yet?
Do you need one more event for your summer calendar? Andrea and Ronald have some great events that have been hits for us. We’re here to make some ideas happen for you! Questions to consider: Do [...]
Woohoo! Summer camp is happening! Are you ready for the crazy and awesome experience of camp? I hope so! Andrea and Ronald offer some tips that could save your life. Probably. Questions to [...]