We checked in with the DYM facebook community to see when they want to promote their students to the youth ministry! Check it out! Email us Ideas! [email protected]
Ronald and Andrea talk DYM Round Tables and lessons learned. Did you go to First Decade or Round Tables this year? Email us and let us know what you learned! [email protected]
Well, sometimes the stories you share are more fun than what we can come up with! Listen to hear the stories that we heard! Email the show: [email protected] Also maybe [...]
Andrea and Ronald talk about heading to the DYM First Decade Conference. You should really consider going sometime! Also, the email Ronald kept telling you to use is wrong. THIS is [...]
In this thought-provoking episode of the Middle School Ministry Podcast, Ronald and Andrea dive into the crucial topic of sermon timing. Ever wondered why some messages seem to fly by while [...]
In this insightful episode of the Middle School Ministry Podcast, Ronald and Andrea explore the vital role friendships play in the life of a youth minister. Serving in ministry can often feel [...]
Andrea and Ronald talk about great tips for starting the Fall off right! Questions to consider: What can you do to improve your ministry this fall? How can your fall be better this year [...]
Andrea and Ronald talk about what to do with the first part of youth group and why it matters! Questions to consider: How do you structure your program? Have you signed up for the DYM [...]
Andrea and Ronald continue discussing a social media post that is making the rounds. What do you think? Questions to consider: Who can you turn to for mentoring? How can you find community [...]