In this episode Josh gets to sit down with small groups pastor Steve Gladen of Saddleback Church to pick his brain on all things small groups. Steve has been doing leader training for years and [...]
Doug and John cover a few issues in this intimate “backstage chat” – work/life pace, fighting to surround yourself with people can speak the truth in love to you, focusing on your family in the [...]
Allyson Evans is Pastor and Group Leader for Kids and Student Ministries at, a multi-site church based in Edmond, Oklahoma, where she has worked for thirteen years. In this role, [...]
Jeff Wallace is a speaker, author, strategist, mentor, and life coach. He is nationally known as an Urban Ministry innovator and leader. After 18 years as the Youth Pastor, Jeff recently became [...]
Josh Griffin sits down with the best-selling Christian author since CS Lewis – Lee Strobel. Yes. THE Lee Strobel. Author of the “Case for Christ” and countless other books that help investigate [...]
In this episode, Josh talks about youth culture with author, speaker, and veteran youth worker Jonathan McKee. Jonathan shares the importance of staying in touch with culture and a few small [...]
In this Mentor Me, Doug and Cathy Fields talk about marriage and ministry. Cathy is a veteran youth worker of 30 years, mother of 3, married to a youth pastor, and the real brains behind all [...]
In Find Your Voice, Sam Collier speaks directly and simply to students and young adults about influence and leadership, in terms of how they lead and how they are influenced, and how to be [...]
Junior High Students are my favorite humans on the planet! I’ve been doing Jr. High Ministry at Saddleback for 21 years and I am convinced it is the most important ministry in the church.