In Youth Ministry Sherpas

Okay, we admit it’s wishful thinking. The pandemic isn’t quite over. In some places, it’s as bad as ever. But we are both vaccinated, so we are feeling like we’ve awakened from a bad dream and are ready to move forward.

Today, we continue our series about the church and youth ministry post-covid. While we thought our first two conversations were helpful, our topic today is the most important of all.

How do we care for our souls as youth workers in this crazy, post-pandemic world?

We are excited to welcome two guests on our show today.

James Sabin is the Youth and Family Pastor at Kingdom Community Church in Morgantown, WV, where he has served for 11 years. He is also the host of the Youth Ministry Soul Keeper Podcast on the DYM network or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Jessica Sanchez is a trained spiritual director, a long-time youth ministry volunteer, the Director of Marketplace for Download Youth Ministry, and co-host of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast with Doug Fields, Josh Griffin and Katie Edwards.

Let’s face it – this year was hard on our souls. We experienced stress, interruption, disruption, conflict, isolation, loss of relationships, and even loss of life. As pastors and youth workers, we found ourselves being asked for answers while we were searching for them ourselves. We would be remiss if we didn’t take some time to reflect on this experience and what we can learn from it.

Our conversation covered such tough topics as, how to respond when you are angry at how other Christians are responding, how to implement personal spiritual practices to help us avoid falling into the busy trap we were in before covid, and how to lead not only our students but our congregations, into healthier spiritual habits for the next season.

All of this with two friends of ours who are honest, vulnerable, humble, and wise. You will be blessed.

You can follow them here:

James Sabin

Jessica Sanchez

Authors mentioned:
Henri Nouwen
Brennan Manning
Alan Fadling

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