It’s February. It’s icy. It’s cold. We haven’t seen the sun since the 1840s. (Okay, a slight exaggeration, but it feels that way.) If you live in Maryland, Wisconsin, New England, or the Midwest, you understand. If you live in California, well…whatever.Loser.
Regardless of where you live, it’s the time of the year in youth ministry when it feels like everyone just wants to take a nap. The thrill of fall kickoff is a distant memory. The holidays are over. It feels like we are biding our time until summer camp or the next big trip.
How do we keep our enthusiasm, avoid resigning, and keep our students interested through the inevitable season we call, “The Doldrums”?
In today’s episode, we share our thoughts about how to manufacture even small jolts of energy throughout the year. Whether it’s coming up with a contest or challenge, catching up on some things we’ve always wanted to do but didn’t have time for, or just reminding ourselves that the ups and downs are par for the course, we think our ideas might be helpful for you as you push through the winter to more exciting times ahead.
We also share our Super Bowl predictions (hint: we were wrong). And you won’t want to miss the wonderful greetings we share from our spam folder. Who knew that our Belly Dancing episode would be one of our most popular? Not bad for two guys who apparently are in the demographic for Cialis marketing.
If you live in Arizona, Florida or SoCal, hit us up for the Youth Pastor One Week Winter Exchange!
Hey, Steve spent hours updating our website. Pay us a visit!
If you send us an email, we promise to respond. We might even send you stickers!
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We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network!
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @youthministrysherpas.