We love all of our sponsors, and are especially thankful for what DYM University is doing in our churches. We are so glad we get to play with them!
It was a rough weather weekend here in Central Florida. Before worship started at our churches it was a dismal 48 degrees and raining. We were expecting a pour turnout, but were pleasantly surprised by all the people who braved the weather.
We were both preaching yesterday morning, and the sermons went very differently. Tim’s was emotional and drew tears. Andrew’s was inadvertently funny and nerdy. We talked about changing a sermon mid way through or tweaking a sermon in between services.
Tim talked about the new series he started at Decrease, their weekly student ministry program. He is teaching through Bless-ed, a series Andrew wrote for his church last summer. We talked about the work that goes into making a teaching resource originally written for adults accessible for students. We also talked about what we do when a leader doesn’t show up.
Tim is teaching through a series called Bless-ed on Wednesday nights at Decrease, his church’s youth group. After youth group, the church volunteered the students to move and stack chairs for the carpets to be cleaned. We talked about fun ways that students get volunteered by others in the church.
We wrapped up the show by discussing Financial Peace University, and the disciplines that Andrew and Tim are working on in their personal lives.
Thanks to Dignity Memorial, Sea Salt & Oil Company,
and Give Central for making our show possible.
Check out our other resources in the DYM store here: https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/shop?author=8
Be sure to like The Morning After Ministry on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/morningafterministry/
instagram.com/morningafterminand twitter.com/morningaftermin.You can also find Tim @t00thand Andrew @andrewlarsen
Be sure to check out the other shows in the DYM Podcast Network!