When we showed up to record today, we couldn’t hep but to ntice that Andrew’s office had been transofrmed into a winter wonderland. The students at his church broke in last night and covered every surface with wrapping paper, sticky notes, balloons and Christmas lights. We talked about the imprtance of a senior pastor being approachable to the students in the church.
Tim’s parents joined his church last year, and yesterday his dad, who was a pastor for 20 plus years, was the guest preacher. We talked about the win of having your extended family involved, and some of the boundries that need to be in place.
We have a new resource out in the DYM store. It is a game called Dollar Store or So Much More: Christmas Edition. Students will have to decide if a bit of Christmas decore is available at the dollar store, or a higher end retailer. It is available here: http://bit.ly/DollarStoreGame
If you are looking for any Christmas teaching or game ideas, we have a ton of Christmas resoyrces in the DYM store available here. http://bit.ly/2BuDVni
We love all of our sponsors, and are especially thankful for what DYM University is doing in our churches. We are so glad we get to play with them! https://www.dymuniversity.com/?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dymuniversity.com%2Fa%2F10517%2FLoZRyZ9P
Thanks to Dignity Memorial, Sea Salt & Oil Company,
and Give Central for making our show possible.
Check out our other resources in the DYM store here: https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/shop?author=8
Be sure to like The Morning After Ministry on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/morningafterministry/
instagram.com/morningafterminand twitter.com/morningaftermin.You can also find Tim @t00thand Andrew @andrewlarsen
Be sure to check out the other shows in the DYM Podcast Network at podcast.downloadyouthministry.com