What a fun show we had talking about some of our favorite subjects: ourselves and Download Youth Ministry. We figgured that after 10 months and 41 episodes, we should let people know how we met, how we became friends and what role DYM has played in that relationship.
After sharing a bit of our story, we talked about our newest resource that DYM has released. It is a Thanksgiving resource on Luke 17 that comes with everything you need for a full night of programming, including a message, small group, and a game. We played a bit of that game “Jimmy Fallon’s Thank You Notes Volume 2” on the show. Thanks is available here. https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/thanks-complete-programming-package
Next we talked about the best practices to create usuful stuff for DYM and to actually get it published. Fortunately for us some of our favorite people and DYM authors were watching and added in their own tips and tricks.
We love all of our sponsors, and are especially thankful for what DYM University is doing in our churches. We are so glad we get to play with them! https://www.dymuniversity.com/?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dymuniversity.com%2Fa%2F10517%2FLoZRyZ9P
Sea Salt and Oil Company is donating all of their procedes to Operation Christmas Child for the next two weeks. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook.
Thanks to Dignity Memorial, Sea Salt & Oil Company,
Peek Reach, and Give Central for making our show possible.
Have we got a deal for you! Our biggest resource ever in the DYM store, the One Year. One Click. Bundle is being offered for just $30! This is only happening for this week, so don’t miss out!. https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/1-year-1-click-50-week-teaching-bundle-youth-group
Check out our other resources in the DYM store here: https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/shop?author=8
Be sure to like The Morning After Ministry on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/morningafterministry/
instagram.com/morningafterminand twitter.com/morningaftermin.You can also find Tim @t00thand Andrew @andrewlarsen
Be sure to check out the other shows in the DYM Podcast Network at podcast.downloadyouthministry.com