Thanks to Jordan, Erin, Tim, Monica, Kevin, and Anonymous for the great questions. I’d love to do more of these in the future, but I need questions. You can submit those by going to http://podcast.downloadyouthministry.comand click on the submit questions tab in the right corner. You can also email [email protected]or DM me through The Twitter, Instagram or Facebook Page.
Mentioned in the show:
Parenting Through the Phases Curriculum (so good!):
DYM University (great way to train):
The Super Sexy Super Pack:
Are you a Download Youth Ministry Member? check out the September Freebie in Sidekick for a fun “Poser”-style game I made called “Celebrity Mood Match.” If you aren’t a member, you should become one today!
If you are attending DYM200, let me know. I’d love to connect with you!
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The Podcast on the Web:
THE PLACE for YM Resources:
The Socials:
Facebook Page:
Follow on Twitterand Instagram@mythirddecade
Check out Derry’s resources on Download Youth Ministry:
Email: [email protected]