The podcast crew is back together and they tackle the topic of sermon series planning. Why plan a series vs. doing 1-offs? How exactly do you plan a sermon series? What are some of the teaching [...]
In this episode Frank shares about the past medical troubles he and his wife faced the past couple weeks and a brand-new game you can play in your youth group. **Please rate and review the [...]
Sam is alone in the lab so he breaks down how to be more creative and innovative. PRODUCT PLACEMENT Lumberjack Night COME SEE US LIVE YM LAB LIVE @NYWC2019 [...]
This morning we dove into the interpersonal struggle that so many pastors face. How do you both be someones friend and their pastor? It’s hard and it isn’t something that is commonly taught or [...]
Sam is joined by Grayson Bearden, a Tik Tok expert, in the lab where we break down how to do Tik Tok as a church and why you should start doing it with your youth group today. CHECK OUT GRAYSON [...]
After months and months of us talking about it, Lakeview Church voted Tim Miller as their new Lead Pastor, by a margin of 97%…Andrew was voted in unanimously at his church. Just saying. We talked [...]
After 23 years at the same church, I’m leaving my church. In the end, it’s not just me leaving. My family joins me. More specifically, my wife Janelle has played a crucial role in this whole [...]
Anthony and Sam break down the stigma of youth workers with mental health. We talk through burnout, professional counseling, practical steps to starting a journey of health, and Sam opens up [...]
In a world where 72% of Generation Z wants to be on online celebrity, gathering as many followers as humanly possible, the overwhelming majority of young people are a little too quick to click [...]
Anthony and Sam are joined by David Miller from Slingshot Group and we get to breakdown what churches are looking for in a new hire and what you need to do the first 90 days of a new church. [...]